Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Teaching Responsabilities

Michel Buffa is Director of MIAGE department (Informatics for Business) at UNS.

Catherine Faron Zucker coordinates the Web option of the 5th year of Polytech Nice Sophia engineering school and is in charge of continuous training for the computer science department of Polytech Nice Sophia Antipolis.

Isabelle Mirbel is Vice-dean of Science Department at University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (UNS).

Andrea Tettamanzi manages the 3nd year of the Licence (Bachelor of Science) in Business Informatics (MIAGE) at the UFR Science of the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (UNS).


  • Licence: Andrea Tettamanzi, Algorithmics – Object Oriented Programming – Python, 50h, L2, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Andrea Tettamanzi, Advanced Web Programming (client side), 39h, L2, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Andrea Tettamanzi, Web, 18 h ETD, L3, UNS, France.

  • License: Elena Cabrio, Web Server Programming, 45h, L1 INFO, UNS, France.

  • License: Elena Cabrio, Introduction to the Web, 48h, L1 INFO, UNS, France.

  • License: Elena Cabrio, Introduction to the Web, 40h, L2 MASS, UNS, France.

  • License: Elena Cabrio, Internship supervision, 6h, L3 MIAGE, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Geraud Fokou Pelap, Object Oriented Programming (Java), 45h, L3, MIAGE, UNS, France.

  • Licence : Isabelle Mirbel, Web programming (Persistency). 54h, L3, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Michel Buffa, JavaScript, 40h, L3 Miage, UNS, France.

  • Master: Michel Buffa, Technologies Web, 30h, M1 Miage, UNS, France.

  • Master: Michel Buffa, Server Side JavaScript & Front-end Frameworks, 30h, M2 Miage NTDP & MBDS, UNS, France.

  • Master: Michel Buffa, Programmable Web Front-end, 30h, M2 Polytech, UNS, France.

  • Master: Elena Cabrio, Web Science, 10h, M2 IFI, UNS, France.

  • Master: Elena Cabrio, Knowledge Engineering, 5h, M1 IFI, UNS, France.

  • Master: Olivier Corby, Oscar Rodríguez Rocha, Catherine Faron Zucker, Fabien Gandon, Semantic Web of Data, 45h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Olivier Corby, XML, 20h, M2 IMAFA, UNS, France.

  • Master: Olivier Corby, Semantic Web, 3H, M2, University of Montpellier, France.

  • Master: Olivier Corby, Semantic Web, 18H, M2, ENSI, Tunis, Tunisia.

  • Master: Catherine Faron Zucker, Web languages, 42h, M1, Polytech UNS.

  • Master: Catherine Faron Zucker, Knowledge Engineering, 9h, M2 IFI, Polytech, UNS.

  • Master: Fabien Gandon, Semantic Web, 28h, M2, Data Science Technical Institute

  • Master: Fabien Gandon, Web Science, 3h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Human-Computer-Interaction Design and Evaluation, 54h, M2, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Interaction Techniques and Multimodality, 8h, M2, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Task and Activity Analysis for HCI design and evaluation, 6h, M2 Sociology and Ergonomics of Digital Technologies, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, HCI Design and Evaluation, 10h, M2 Sociology and Ergonomics of Digital Technologies, UNS.

  • Master : Alain Giboin, Economics and ICT: Ergonomics, 6h, M2 Economics and ICT, ISEM, UNS.

  • Master : Isabelle Mirbel, Project Management, 24h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master : Isabelle Mirbel, Requirement Engineering, 42h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master : Isabelle Mirbel, Advanced Databases. 48h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Distributed Systems, 18h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Parallelism, 18h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Web Science, 5h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Fuzzy Description Logics, 5h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Ontology Learning, 5h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Data Analysis in Distributed Environment, 18h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Molka Dhouib, Knowledge Engineering, 2h, M2, UNS, France

  • Master: Oscar Rodríguez Rocha, Knowledge Engineering, 18h, M2, UNS, France.

  • E-learning MOOC

    • Michel Buffa, ”JavaScript Intro”, June on EDx (MIT/Harvard).

    • Michel Buffa, ”HTML5 Coding Essentials and Best Practices” on EDx.

    • Michel Buffa, ”HTML5 Apps and Games” on Edx.

      More than 400.000 subscriptions since 2015 on these three MOOCs.

    • Fabien Gandon, Olivier Corby & Catherine Faron Zucker, Introduction au Web Sémantique, 2 x 7 weeks, https://www.fun-mooc.fr/, Inria, France Université Numérique, Education for Adults, 4870 registered.

    • Fabien Gandon, Olivier Corby & Catherine Faron Zucker, Introduction to a Web of Linked Data, 2 x 4 weeks, https://www.fun-mooc.fr/, Inria, France Université Numérique, Education for Adults, 1703 registered.

  • Tutorial, Summer School

    • Elena Cabrio & Serena Villata: Argument Mining course at the 29th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI 2017). University of Toulouse, France, July 17-28.

    • Olivier Corby: RDF & SPARQL at EGC, Grenoble, France, January 24th.

    • Olivier Corby: STTL: A Transformation Language for the Web of Data, JDEV, Marseille, July 5th.

    • Fabien Gandon: Introduction to Linked data and semantic Web, Grenoble, France, January 24th.

    • Fabien Gandon: Linked data and semantic Web, Winter school Complex Network, Inria UNS, France


  • HdR : Catherine Faron Zucker, Knowledge Modelling and Processing for the Social Semantic Web, UNS, June 12th.

  • PhD: Amel Ben Othmane, CARS - Un système multi-agent pour l'aide à la décision dans des applications spatio-temporelles incertaines, UNS, Nhan Le Thanh, Serena Villata and Andrea Tettamanzi, October 12th.

  • PhD: Amosse Edouard, Détection et Analyse d'Evénement dans les Messages Courts sur Twitter, UNS, Nhan Le Thanh and Elena Cabrio, September 25th.

  • PhD: Franck Michel, Heterogeneous Databases Federation in Distributed Environment, UNS, Johan Montagnat, Catherine Faron Zucker, March 3rd.

  • PhD: Tuan Anh Pham, Study and integration of the mechanism of workflow control in MVC (Model View Controler) architecture: design and implementation of an APM (Activity Process Management) platform for dynamic information systems on the networks, UNS, Nhan Le Thanh, September 22nd.

  • PhD in progress: Molka Dhouib, Modeling of a social network of service providers and companies – recommendation of service providers by reasoning on the social network, UNS, Catherine Faron Zucker with Andrea Tettamanzi.

  • PhD in progress: Tran Duc Minh, Learning Ontologies from Linked Open Data, Andrea Tettamanzi, UNS and Nguyen Thanh Binh, University of Danang.

  • PhD in progress: Ahmed El Amine Djebri, Distributed Artificial Intelligence for Linked Reviewable Data Management on the Semantic Web, UNS, Andrea Tettamanzi.

  • PhD in progress: Michael Fell, Natural Language Processing of Song Lyrics, UNS, Elena Cabrio, Fabien Gandon.

  • PhD in progress: Raphaël Gazzotti, Conversational Agent Assistant Endowed with Natural Language and Intuition, UNS & SynchroNext, Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron Zucker.

  • PhD in progress: Tobias Mayer, Argument Mining for Clinical Trials, UNS, Johan Montagnat (CNRS, I3S), Serena Villata and Céline Poudat (UNS).

  • PhD in progress: Thu Huong Nguyen, Mining the Semantic Web for OWL Axioms, Andrea Tettamanzi, UNS.

  • PhD in progress: Emilie Palagi, Design of a Model-based Method for Evaluating Exploratory Search Systems, UNS, Labex UCN@Sophia, Alain Giboin, Fabien Gandon with Raphaël Troncy (Eurecom).

  • PhD in progress: Mahamadou Toure, Mobile Access for the Web of Data, Fabien Gandon, Pascal Molli and Moussa Lo, UGB, UNS.


Catherine Faron Zucker:

  • reviewer of Pauline Folz's PhD thesis, entitled Collaboration dans une fédération de consommateurs de données liées, defended on October 12 at Université de Nantes;

  • reviewer of Hamadache's PhD thesis, entitled Analyse et recherche dans les réseaux sociaux : vers la caractérisation et l’identification significative d’une identité de structure noyau possible au sein d’un processus évolutionnaire décrivant la dynamique d’un réseau social, defended on July 16th at Université d'Annaba, Algérie;

  • jury member of Olivier Wang's PhD thesis, entitled Analytics Learning for Rule-Based Systems, defended on June 28 at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris-Saclay.

Fabien Gandon:

  • President of the Ph.D. jury of Franck Michel on “Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources In The Web Of Data”, University Côte d’Azur 03/03/2017

  • Reviewer HDR Hala Skaf Molli on “Decentralized Data Management for the Semantic Web”, l’Université de Nantes, 6/9/2017

  • President of the HDR Catherine Faron-Zucker on “”, University Côte d’Azur, 12/06/2017

  • Reviewer HDR of Pierre-Antoine Champin on “Empowering Ambivalence Supporting multiple interpretations in knowledge-based systems”, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 13/06/2017

  • Reviewer for PhD of Iacopo Vagliano on “Content Recommendation Through Linked Data”, Politecnico di Torino, 5/4/2017

Nhan Le Thanh:

  • Reviewer and President of the Jury for Jérémy Bénard, ”Import, export et traduction sémantiques génériques basés sur une ontologie de langages de représentation de connaissances”, Université de La Réunion, June 12th.

  • Reviewer for HDR thesis of Jean-Baptiste LAMY, ”Représentation, iconisation et visualisation des connaissances : Principes et applications à l’aide à la décision médicale”, University of Rouen, December 12th.

Isabelle Mirbel was jury member of PhD Thesis :

  • Samedi Heng, ”Impact of Unified User-Story-Based Modeling on Agile Methods: Aspects on Requirements, Design and Life Cycle Management”, under the supervision of Yves Wautelet and Manuel Kolp, Université Catholique de Louvain, February.

  • Guillaume Surroca, ”ViewointS: vers une émergence de con- naissances collectives par élicitation de point de vue”, under the supervision of Stefano A. Cerri, Philippe Lemoisson and Clément Jonquet, Université de Montpellier, June.

Andrea Tettamanzi was reviewer of the PhD thesis of:

  • Iacopo Vagliano, Content Recommendation Through Linked Data, Politecnico di Torino, May 5th;

and Chairman of the Jury for the thesis of

  • Tuan Anh Pham, Study and integration of the mechanism of workflow control in MVC (Model View Controler) architecture: design and implementation of an APM (Activity Process Management) platform for dynamic information systems on the networks, September 22nd.


  • Arthur Lemaire de Mil

    Date: May–August

    Institution: École Nationale Supérieure de Cognitique, École Polytechnique de Bordeaux.

    Title: User-centered redesign of the user Interface allowing to remotely control the AZKAR robot

    Supervisors: Thierry Bergeron, Alain Giboin.